About Me
I make it no secret. I am a fan of Stock Condition PGP Paintball Markers. This shop is not intended to sell you heavily modified parts or function as a PGP Chop-Shop selling old, recycled parts. My little project has one goal in mind. To keep those PGPs pumping! And the primary need in that department is Valve Rebuild kits.
I am beginning my little project by offering 3 simple products. Valve rebuild kits for both the Component and Cartridge style valves as well as a bolt rebuild kit.
With a focus on the "face seal" I have worked through and experimented with various hardness, thickness, and diameters to finally land on the perfect product for your PGP valve. Additionally, I have worked through a wide range of spring tensions and lengths to work out 2 seperate bolt rebuild kits depending on your need.
In the future, I do plan to offer a safety rebuild kit, but finding an afforable source for the small diameter springs needed for such kits is proving to be a challenge.
If you have any recommendations for future products, please let me know by using the "contact" page.
Thank you for visiting my little store!